I'm making some headway on my scarf. I'm not so sure about it. My husband keeps coming in and saying, "are you sure this is for you??" My wardrobe - and tastes - tends towards black and cream and grey and brown, so anything rainbow hued has him - and me - a bit perplexed. I keep stopping and staring at it and then pulling it out to examine how it will look when it's blocked. I think it will be good when it's bocked. And then perhaps it will be for someone else. But it's great fun seeing seeing where each bit of color will land. Meanwhile I found the perfect green for D's next sweater, and am looking forward to casting on.
I'm savoring every bit of my re-reading of The Brothers Karamazov, although I was hoping I'd finish during Lent. Along with that, I've just picked up an advance copy of Molly Wizenberg's Delancey -- the restaraunt memoir sequel to A Homemade Life. It's breezy and conversational, and no doubt I'll gobble it up in a few days, in time to cook from it much of next week.
My great-grandmother had something of a Pollyannaish disposition - she was loving and trusting and ever- optimistic. I only remember her with Alzheimer's, but from how I remember her, and what I'm told of her, she was forever stopping to smell flowers and watch birds fly by, and remarking eternally on each and every feature of nature, often to the annoyance of whoever accompanied her. Her catchphrase was "Heavenly Breezes!" This time of year, I find it impossible to restrain myself from exclaiming "heavenly breezes!" with great regularity. Can you believe that technicolor sky?! I guess this week, everything is about uncanny amounts of color.
Joining Ginny.
I love the colours of the scarf, beautiful in tune with Autumn.
Posted by: mamasmercantile | 24 April 2014 at 06:21